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Mobile App Design


La Scatola dei Giocattoli is a website strategy created by Mattel that allow children and adults to discover everything about their favorite toys, the game is simple: each user can put inside their #box the products they would like to buy or just receive news or updates, videos or special content.

Graphic Design
UX UI Design
Josue Canas

Users kids and adults can make a registration through cellphone or tablet, the app is focus on the adults in which beside their personal information they can also insert information related to the kids at home, in this way both can having access to specific content and special offers adapted to the pre-selected preference. the third step was a dashboard app, specially for the company workers still having the same mood of the mobile app, the idea was to make a interface that, organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read and understand for the employees. offering something interactive fresh new and useful.

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