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Editorial Design

Miami View Magazine

Miami View Magazine, was born as Doral View Magazine, for the Doral are in Miami - United States, after its success, it was decided to change the name to Miami having as a goal the whole geohrsphical zone as a point reference and inspiration.

Concept & Ideation
Art Direction
Graphic Design
Josue Canas

Each issue features new travelling stories experience, an special view from those who have found success on these days in a particular way, culture, art & design are also part of the menu, lot of colours with big headings take over the pages to keep the reading on and people interested, Inspired by great magazines from around the globe we created a product that rather than be just a magazine is a storytelling. As Art Director I was on charge of the creation of the product, designing, creating, making happen, putting live in each the pages of the product.

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